How many of you remember loving to play twister?! Now that we are more grown up, somehow the game isn't quite so much fun now. Being able to get yourself into (and back out of again) those kind of positions just isn't as easy as it used to be when we were kids. However, our girls really wanted to bring back a twister game for them to play and we were lucky enough to find one in good condition at a garage sale for next to nothing! What a deal!!
They soon were having loads of fun playing with some of their old friends here in the states. I also thought it'd be a great learning tool for our foster daughters in China! Naturally, only mom would think of something like that, huh girls?! It's an English learning game! They can learn their colors, right from left, and how to follow instructions properly---all the while having so much fun! What could be better?!
How about sending me some pictures of Lena, Serena, and Hannah playing Shawna and Elise?!
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