Thursday, May 13, 2010

Flat Stanley Goes on His First Adventure

I'd never heard of Flat Stanley until a few months ago when one of New Day's sponsors told me about them. The kids color, decorate them, and then cut them out. We pasted ours onto cardboard to make them a bit sturdier. Then you send to them to a friend for an adventure. They take pictures of them at the zoo or whatever adventure that they take them on. It's fun for the kids to see all the places their Stanley ends up. Anyway, the girls decided to make a girl likeness for theirs instead of a guy. Last night as dad was getting ready to leave on a 2 day trip with the students, they decided to make theirs and send them along with dad on his adventure. They worked all evening and by bedtime, were finished with their Stanleys. They're anxiously awaiting dad's return to see where all Stanley has been! Then all we have to do is decide where to send their Stanley's next!!


  1. How fun for the girls to see Stanley on his/her many adventures. I've seen classes here do this same thing. What a fun activity for the kids!

    Loved reading about Tiny too!

  2. Has Flat Stanley come home from her adventure yet? Where is she going next?

    Rita, do you have an email?

  3. Yes, Flat Stanley returned. I didn't want o bore you with where he went so I didn't post that. We don't yet know where she is going next. Guess we'll have to get to work on that!
