Thursday, May 10, 2012

Room Make-Overs

Now that the weather has warmed up, we have been able to get to some of the painting jobs we wanted to do.  Our older girls' room has long been needing a new paint job and after the long winter it was time we got around to it.  The three of them finally agreed on a color and we went and purchased the paint.  The next day while the other girls were in school at New Day, their room got repainted--and they did it all!  They did a great job too!  

Shawna and Elizabeth are working hard!

Elise takes the upper part of the wall.

They decided they wanted to do some nice wall art and the next day we went to pick out the wall stickers.

A new paint job and nice wall stickers really made the room look great!

Shawna decided a nice Paris theme was cool for her area.

The Forever Home girls' room didn't need painting but they got a make-over too!  After seeing the older girls room get one, I knew they'd want it too so we did some wall art.  I can't tell you how excited they were to see their room's new make-over!

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